Welcome to Gates of Krynn MUD, a free text-based online multiplayer role playing game. Gates of Krynn is set in the Dragonlance world of Krynn, in the aftermath of the War of the Lance. Below is the story of our world and setting.
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The Great War of the Lance has ended...
The Gods and the Dragons have returned to Krynn...
The lands have been wreaked with havoc...
None on the face of Ansalon have escaped the horror of war and death...
The Dragonarmies of Takhisis had covered nearly all of Ansalon. Only Solamnia remained free...
A land whose ancient defenders, the Knights of Solamnia had been disgraced...
Mistrust and old feuds separated the nations and the races held under the oppressive thumb of the Dragonarmies...
But not all was lost, for a small group of heroes would forever change the world of Krynn...
Led by the half-elf Tanis, this small group of unlikely heroes brought hope back to the peoples of Ansalon...
With them came the heralding of the return of the Gods, who were believed gone more than three centuries past in a Cataclysm that tore Ansalon asunder...
With them came the ancient weapons, the dragonlances, and the return of the metallic dragons of good....
With these weapons, the redeemed Knights of Solamnia and the collective Forces of Whitestone turned the tide of the war, and drove back the Dragonarmies to their bases in Neraka and Sanction...
But it was the Heroes of the Lance who made the difference, sealing the portal to the Abyss, that the dark goddess Takhisis could not re-enter the world and crush it in tyranny forever...
You are such a hero... one whose tale has yet to be told... Or perhaps it is the darkness that calls you forth...
Though the War of the Lance is over, the Dragonarmies are not wholely defeated. Additionally, a new knighthood is being formed, one mimicking the success of the Solamnics, yet devoted to darkness...
A plethora of threats face the peoples of Ansalon. From the undead hordes of Chemosh, to the Dragonarmies and Knights of Takhisis...
To Morgions cults of disease and plague and Hiddukels secret agents sowing seeds of strife...
And though the land will sway to light or to darkness by these powerful forces of both good and evil...
It is the actions of the influential few that shape the destiny of millions...
You are one of those few... Your actions will determine the fate of Ansalon...
Whether a paladin of light, a twisted necromancer, a dedicated devotee of the gods, or a powerful mage of the conclave of wizards...
A cunning assassin, an honorable knight of Solamnia, a world-wise ranger or druid, or a traveller of the roads...